German for physicians

You have studied medicine and are about to obtain your license to practice medicine or would like to complete your specialist training in Germany? You have successfully completed your B2 German examination? You would like to prepare for your work in a clinic or hospital?

Our courses include oral and written communication:

  • Intensive training in how to conduct patient interviews (anamnesis, physical examination, diagnosis, interviews with relatives)
  • Intensive training in patient introductions during rounds and meetings
  • Documenting examination results, writing doctor’s letters

The vocabulary is based on the everyday work of doctors and is particularly extensive in the following areas:

  • Clinical terminology in dealing with patients, colleagues and hospital staff
  • Symptomatology and diagnostics


  • Compact block courses (40 lesson units in total)
  • Small groups, ensuring intensive supervision and learning environment
  • Individual online support for correcting written work




Block seminar: 4 weekends, 40 lesson units in total


€ 440


Prerequisite for participation:

Successful B2 language exam



50% deposit on registration, balance due on first day of course.


Payment methods:

  • Cash paid in our office
  • Credit card (Mastercard or Visa card)
  • Electronic cash (EC card / Girocard / Maestro card)
  • Bank transfer

Lesson times:

Saturday and Sunday

10:00 AM – 2:15 PM


About us

Courses & exams